Monday 1 April 2013

Fusion HCM Localisations - Part 1

Localisations are always a thorny issue.  From a sales perspective, what do they actually mean?  It is important that a prospective customer is fully aware of what a localisation is and isn't.  Oracle's competitors can make claims about their own products, but this is only meaningful if compared against a definition of exactly what Oracle's localisations contain.

From an implementation point of view, we need to know what localisations the application supports so that we can make the system do all the hard work for us.

It is often difficult getting documentation about localisations, particularly in new products like Fusion Applications.  But recently, Oracle have made a very useful tool available called the Product Features Tool.  It is designed to show the differerences between releases of Fusion Applications and can be refined to produce documentation specifically about products and modules.

You will need an SSO to access this feature.


First, you must select the product set.  In my example, I am using Fusion Applications.

Then, select the Release number(s) and/or module(s).

This will then produce a list of features introduced by release.  See the example below.

At the top of this page you will see a number of tabs.  Product is highlighted.  But, if you select Reporting you can build a report containing the features you want to document.

In my example, we will follow the process to document Localisations.

Choose Print Product and select Run Report.

To follow the process further please see Fusion HCM Localisations - Part 2

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